International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

UNESCO Choir "Les voix unies"

Paris France U x XK0293

UNESCO Co-Action Programme

Co-Action 1950 U dg XF0559

UNESCO Documentation Centre for Culture and Documentation

Paris France U gx XF9810

UNESCO Early Childhood Cooperating Centre, Mali

U x XJ5698

UNESCO Energy Information Programme

EIP 1980 Paris France U gx XF7412

UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education

UICEE 1994 U d XG3082

UNESCO International School of Science for Peace

1997 Como Italy U x XG8297

UNESCO International Scientific Advisory Board

ISAB U dv XE2917

UNESCO Network of Institutions and Associations in Science and Education

U s XU1040

UNESCO Scientific Cooperation Bureau for the European and North American Region

U dg XE0115

UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre

SHS/DC U dg XF8576

UNESCO Special Fund for Youth

1976 U dfg XF9765

UNESCO World Network of Microbiological Resources Centres MIRCEN

1975 U d XE3761

UNESIS Centre for International Relations

U x XG3922


1961 Szczecin Poland U egx XF0955

União Económica das Regiões Ultraperiféricas da Europa Comunitaria

UPEC 1992 U x XJ5778

Unification Churches in the World

U x XU1353

Unified Police Force

UPFM 1994 U dg XU2651

Unified Task Force

UNITAF 1992 U dg XF2786

Uniform Arab Medical Information Club, Cairo

U x XJ9863


1986 Paris France U x XN8282

Union académique internationale des beaux-arts

U d XU7788

Union aérienne européenne

U x XU0142

Union africaine de documentation

U s XU8343

Union africaine des travailleurs scientifiques

U x XU2718
