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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

La Prévention Routière Internationale

PRI 1957 Rabat Morocco B XC2377

Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

ICESCO 1982 Rabat Morocco C g XD8574

African Mathematical Union

AMU 1976 Rabat Morocco D XD8478

Arab Civil Aviation Organization

ACAO 1996 Rabat Morocco D g XD4166

Arab Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining Organization

AIDSMO Rabat Morocco D gt XD1444

Conférence des évêques de la région du Nord de l'Afrique

CERNA 1967 Rabat Morocco D XE4023

Conférence Maghrébine des Responsables des Établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur

COMARES 2013 Rabat Morocco D XM4723

Fédération Atlantique des Agences de Presse Africaines

FAAPA 2014 Rabat Morocco D AA3033

Fédération des consultants africains et arabes

FCAA 2009 Rabat Morocco D XJ2284

Near East Plant Protection Organization

NEPPO Rabat Morocco D g XD4485

Union Méditerranéenne des Géomètres

UMG 2010 Rabat Morocco D XJ9413

Arabization Coordination Bureau

1961 Rabat Morocco E g XE9545

Confédération africaine de volley-ball

CAVB 1965 Rabat Morocco E XE3781

ECA Office for North Africa

1963 Rabat Morocco E g XE5961

Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World

FUIW 1987 Rabat Morocco E y XD1634

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa

UCLG Africa 2003 Rabat Morocco E XE4716

Arab Maghreb Union

AMU 1989 Rabat Morocco F g XF1048

Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation Among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean

ATLAFCO 1989 Rabat Morocco F g XM5012

Africa Continent Care for Migration

ACCM 2013 Rabat Morocco G XM7566

Agence marocaine de coopération internationale

AMCI 1986 Rabat Morocco G XG8195

Centre for Strategic Studies, Rabat

1987 Rabat Morocco G XM2188

Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Evaluation and Prevention of Seismic Risk

CEPRIS 1995 Rabat Morocco G g XG8673

Institute of African Studies, Rabat

IAS 1987 Rabat Morocco G j XG4962

Policy Center For The New South

PCNS Rabat Morocco G j AA3640

African Geographers' Association

1981 Rabat Morocco H x XD6431


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