Submitted by XD5630 on
The 25th EAHP Congress 2020 will focus on the latest advances in technologies that will shape the way how pharmaceutical care in hospitals will be delivered in the upcoming decades. Artificial intelligence, mHealth, 3D printing, personalised medicine, all of these will influence our work towards the optimal outcomes for our patients and have the potential to change our workflows profoundly. The Congress will also cover the ongoing challenges in our work, like tackling antimicrobial resistance, delivering seamless care, raising the quality of hospital pharmacy compounding, advances in clinical pharmacy or the role of hospital pharmacists in the multidisciplinary teams in hospital and on the interface with community or outpatient settings, just to name a few.
The scientific programme of the Congress is also tailored to the needs of individual hospital pharmacists and their interest groups as the Congress offers the possibility to choose between many parallel sessions, keynote presentations, workshops and symposia, and plenty of networking opportunities.
Join us for the 25th Congress of the EAHP and enjoy an all-round Gothenburg experience!
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