Fraudulent message
Date sent: Sun, 15 Nov 2015
Subject: Conference Invitation On (GEO) 2015.
Dear Colleague,
You are invited to participate in the GEO forth Coming Joint Conference on Global Empowerment And Human Right. The conference is been organized by Global Empowerment Organization (GEO) in collaboration with other donors in the United states.
These events will be held in two countries. The first event will take place from 7th to 12th December 2015 at Washington D.C in the United States of America, then the second phase will take place in Dakar – Senegal West Africa from 14th to 19th December 2015.
I am Mrs. Alicia Kendal, a staff of the (GEO) chosen to invite participants from different countries.
So therefore, If you are interested in this events, Kindly write an email to our organizing committee for details.
This is to let you know that our conference organizing committee and donor sponsor's will take full responsibility of all registered participants visa arrangements for the United states of America, includes your round trip air tickets to the two events.
Make sure you contact our Organizing Committee Contact direct Email:
Do informed them that you were invited by Mrs. Alicia Kendal, of (GEO)
And also keep in touch with me so i can assist you in any way, here is my email:
Mrs. Alicia Kendal
Member, Global Empowerment Organization (GEO)
United States of America