Fraudulent message
Participation Confirmation has been given to the following person(s) whose information appeared under: -
1. Name:
2. Organization:
3. Position Held in Organization:
4. Gender:
5. Country:
6. Passport No:
7. Mobile No:
Dear Confirmed Delegate(s),
You are by this letter confirmed to participate at the prestigious United Nations Global Conference at the Highest Level on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development on 21st - 24th April, 2015.
The Conference is of particular significance as the world carefully finds itself embroiled in financial turmoil and the impacts of the crises are being felt by the World's poorest and most vulnerable. The Conference will discuss the present and future impacts of the crisis on, inter alia, employment, trade, investment and development, including the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals and the Millennium Development Goals.
Your flight tickets & Conference Materials will be delivered to you free. We shall confirm your flight ticket via our travel agency on these specifies
dates 09:30 Arrival Date 21st April 2015 and 19:00 Departure 24th April 2015. CONFIRMED
Global Financial Crisis - An Overview
The impact of the financial crisis is affecting the whole world and is threatening long term objectives like the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Not only the developed countries, but increasingly emerging economies and least developed countries are suffering the effects of this global financial crisis. Financial markets have collapsed, lending and investments opportunities are declining and exports are falling as demand decreases. In addition, developing countries, facing already higher food and energy prices, lack the means and resources to protect their financial institutions or banks from bankruptcy. The results are falling stock markets, rising interest rates, and less government resources for socioeconomic investments that benefit the poor. We will start processing for your visa and fly booking only when we confirm your BTA payment receipt with your passport and your filled Visa form.
We invite you to make full use of this opportunity to learn from one another and to share your opinion, suggestions and proposals with other participants of the conference.
For more information call us +447087624406.
Lisa Muñoz,
[Coordinator, Communication and Public Affairs].
Approval Participation Confirmation Letter
United Nations
This is to bring to your notice that United Nations Organizing Committee is pleased to inform you that based upon the information included in your application for approval to participate in the Global Financial and Economic Summit, the summit organizing committee have satisfied and approved your participation.
Now, We need you to send us your filled Visa processing form, scanned passport document and your MoneyGram or Western Union Transfer confirmation slip of (£480 Great British Pounds Sterling, for Basic Traveling Allowance (BTA) Payment on Monday 23rd March 2015. This is to enable us forward your passport and visa application form to the Visa Office here in London for fast processing of your visa.
Kindly let me know if you have read this email Approval Participation Confirmation Letter .
For more information call +447087624406
Lisa Muñoz,
Coordinator, Communication and Public Affairs
cc: Dr. Patrick Anderson
Call: +447087624406.
UK Visa Processing
United Nations
Thanks for your information. Our office United Nations London are in control and ensure you that there will be no problem of illegal migration into United Kingdom and to ensure adequate compliance of British Immigration laws during and after the UN summit.
Note that You will receive your 6 Mouth electronic Visa to London from our office in London not from your local British Embassy but before that We want you to send us your filled Visa Application Form with your scan copy of your travel international passport and £480 Great British Pounds Sterling As your Basic Traveling Allowance (BTA) Payment.
Upon confirmation of your Basic Traveling Allowance (BTA) Payment £480 Great British Pounds Sterling,it will not take us 72hrs to approval your entry visa and Authorization your Travel paper and send it to you via your e-mail:
Note that this £480 GBP Amount as your Basic Traveling Allowance will be re-reimbursed back to You on arrival to Heathrow International Airport London. Hence your
purpose of visit is for conference, you need to show evidence of your Basic Traveling Allowance payment.
Your Basic Traveling Allowance amount stand as your official Basic Traveling Allowance (BTA) and should be deposited to the Mrs. Kate Douglas( UN visa Processing Officer).
Note Please, dont apply for entry visa and book flight ticket from , we will process your visa and book for your flight ticket from to London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).
All confirmed delegate(s) for the United Nations Summit on the Impact and Implications of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis has been requested to provide proof of their of (BTA) directly to office through Mrs. Kate Douglas. Send us following documents for your procedure to obtain your visa.
We Must confirm those Three documents for your procedure to obtain your visa as soon as possible on before this Date 2015.
(1) Western Union or Money Gram Transfer confirmation slip payment £480 GBP for your BTA Amount.
(2) Scan copy of Travel international passport (Colored)
(3)Scan Copy of Filled UK Visa Processing Form
Go to any Western Union or Money Gram Locations in and send us the Payment directly to Mrs. Kate Douglas via Western Union or MoneyGram electronic Transfer with the stated information below.
Send your Basic Travel Allowance (BTA) declaration amount £480 GBP to:
BTA Deposit Receiver Name: Mrs. Kate Douglas
Address: 2 United Nations Plaza, England, United Kingdom.
We advise you to send your BTA amount of £480 GBP immediately to enable us conclude all other protocols. Participants can stay longer in UK than original planned period, your BTA serves as your spending money-in-hand abroad.
Anticipating your urgent response and compliance on or before Monday 23rd March 2015.
Your Sincerely,
Lisa Muñoz,
Coordinator, Communication and Public Affairs
cc: Dr. Patrick Anderson
Call: +447087624406
United Nations
• UN RIO+20 Registration Form.pdf (290 KB)
We would like to thank you for your expression of interest in participating in the RIO+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which will take place from 21st – 24th April, 2015 @ International Exhibition and Convention Centre (IECC) - London, United Kingdom.
Read the registration guideline step by step carefully before starting your registration:-
(1). The registration form are to be filled and printed for submission along with other registration documents.
(2). When submitting your registration document, please ensure that you arrange them in the following order for submission:-
• Invitation Letter
• Filled Registration Form
• Reservation Confirmation Receipt
(3). There after please submit above listed document to the secretariat through the following e-mail:
Registration Modalities:
Registration is absolutely free and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee to this summit, you have received an attached registration form in this mail. Download and fill the registration form with the required information. Submit your completed registration form together with your confirmed reservation booking made at the Royal Queens Hotel. All participants will be accommodated at the Royal Queens Hotel. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss issues at the round table discussion session. All registration requirement (i.e) filled registration form and proof of accommodation booking receipt must reach the organizing secretary by e-mail: not later than (3) working days from the date of this publication (today). Early submission of registration form is advised. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.
Participants may apply as Individual OR Group Group application must consist of between one to two persons (1-2 persons) only. For document submission and paper presentations, contact e-mail: or send through fax: +44(0)207 50 48241
If you need visa to UK, you are strongly advised to indicate in your registration form. United Nations will provide visa assistance to all invited participant that needs entry visa into the territory of the United Kingdom. Participants visa will be procured through the UK Embassies or UK visa application centres worldwide. Visa issuance authorization letter will be given to confirmed participants and their entry visa will be issued within five (5) working days.
Air Flight Ticket & Ground Travel:
The United Nations Division for Social Policy and Economic Development, have made available “free” sponsorship for delegates air flight tickets that will be routed from delegates home country to London and from London back to delegates home country (To & Fro). All qualified participant will receive an all round free flight tickets at the British airways (BA) sales office in their country or at any of the BA affiliate airline office in their home country after the processing of travel documents. Although London is served by many international flights, British airways (BA) have been officially contracted to airlift participants to London. In some countries where British Airways do not operate, alternative airline will be provided. Participants pick-up from Airport-Hotel-Airport has been arranged by Royal Queens Hotel free of charge.
Language Interpretation:
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Greek, Arabic and Chinese.
United Nations in conjunction with the British Council for Arts and Tourism have selected a standard hotel to accommodate delegates because of its good facilities and cheaper accommodation rates. Participants are to take responsibility of their hotel and feeding expenses in London for the duration of the 4 days summit. A booking receipt from the Royal Queens Hotel is required as a prerequisite for registration. Note that payment for room booking is important to obtain a receipt from the Royal Queens Hotel. For efficient coordination, all participating delegate must be accommodated at the Royal Queens Hotel. Participants will receive their air flight tickets and visa assistance, only when we receive completed registration form alongside with proof of their accommodation booking made at the Royal Queens Hotel. For reservation, contact the Royal Queens Hotel through the following telephone or e-mail:
Hotel Royal Queens
29 Crawford Street,
London, W1H 1LW,
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44(0) 793 745 1750
Fax: +44(0) 844 500 0813
There would be short visitation to London historical sites and monuments (Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum, Trafalgar Square, Kensington Palace, Albert Memorial, and The Tower of London).
Meet us in London to assert a new change for a stronger society. We the peoples… A stronger UN for a better world.
Human and Community Development “The Key to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction”.
Kyle Simmons,
Associate Coordinator, Communication and Public Affairs
Tel: +44 (0)793 74 31523 Fax: +44 (0)207 50 48241
Copyright 2014 United Nations – Nations Unies. All rights reserved.
UN Summit 21st - 24th April, 2015
United Nations
Dear Invitee, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,
On behalf of the organizing and scientific working committee, the United Nations Department for Sustainable Development (UN-DSD) invites you to a Four-day summit of Economists, Educationists, Administrators,
Manufacturers, Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations, individuals from the Public and Private Sector from 21st - 24th April, 2015 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic down turn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact
of the crisis, populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world.
The United Nations World Partnership Summit on Sustainable Development (UNWPSSD) coming up in April 2015 was mandated at the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development, held in June 2009 in New-York. Member States requested the General Assembly to organize the meeting "at the highest level".
Date: 21st - 24th April, 2015.
Venue: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom.
Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals for an integrated global response to the crisis.
Registration,visa & flight to this Summit is absolutely "free" and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee, you have received a registration code UNWPSSD/03260/2015 with the invitation letter, which grants you access to the registration form. The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) will sponsor free travel costs and all-round flight ticket for all participant. Invited participants will only be responsible for their
hotel accommodation and feeding cost at the Royal Queens Hotel. The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom is the venue of this summit while the Royal Queens Hotel has been officially designated to accommodate all participant for this unique and prestigious global financial and economic crisis summit.
Participants will enjoy shows, attractions, activities, and tours available in host city. Entry visa authorization letter will be given to all confirmed participants who require a visa into United Kingdom through the Visa4UK office free.
Call for papers:
United Nations welcomes paper presentation from interested participants,scholars, financial experts, policy makers, and other practitioners. Paper presentations will be scheduled for 20 minutes each including questions. The following topics can be covered in your submission and presentation:
* Causes and Solutions of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
* Global Repercussions of the Financial and Economic Crisis
* Fundamental Defects of the Free Market System
* The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing Countries
* The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Millennium Development Goals MDG's
* Accounting & Financial Regulations
* Government and/or Private Sector Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis
* Any other topic relating to Finance and Economy.
For further details about registration form, visa, flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event and send directly to the (Organizing Secretary) Ms. Cristina Parceog via e-mail:
Register Now!
For more information call +447087624406.
Lisa Muñoz,
Coordinator, Communication and Public Affairs
Laura Wilson Laura