Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: International Global Conference on Human Trafficking of Children, Child abuse and Neglect

Fraudulent message

Subject: Re: Global Conference on Child Abuse & Human Trafficking of Children...
To: Concern Human Rights Foundation, ,

Dear Applicant,

You are welcome to participate in the up-coming International conference from the 18TH - 21ST of JUNE 2014 in the United States of America and from 24TH- 27TH of JUNE 2014 in Dakar,Senegal.

If you wishes to be among the list of register participants,you are to take this opportunity to equip your self for discussions on Human Trafficking of Children, Child abuse and Neglect as our mean theme for this convention. Our Organizing Committee & donor sponsors have arrange some financial rewards to groups or individual participants that distinguished themselves in their areas of Participation .

In order to attend the international conference registration is compulsory and interested participants should send the below information's via email, to the Registration Desk:

• Names Exactly as in passport
• Passport Number
• Date of Birth
• Place of Birth
• Country of Residence
• Country Dialing Code
• Occupation
• Phone Contact
• Who invited you?

All details are to be send to our Registration Desk Email:( or ( )

Registration : A Minimum of one (1) person or maximum of four (4) persons are expected to participate as individual or group to represent their Country. Participants must be in possession of their Traveling Passports to enable them participate.You are to inform us if you already have U.S or not when submitting your registration Details and other required information's. Delegates should be above eighteen years of age and must participate in both venues, USA / Senegal.

Ticket & Visa Information: All registered participants are entitled to free visa processing that will include your feeding and accommodation during your stay in the United States , Air Tickets for both venues will be sponsored by our organization and other benevolent donors in the United States.The tickets will cover from participant country of resident to the United States, from the United States to Senegal and back to participant's country of resident. We are also responsible for your free entry to Senegal.

Participants will only be responsible and to pay for hotel reservation cost in Dakar,Senegal where the second phase of the conference will be held.

We also welcome Members of ngos, health practitioners, professionals in relevant fields, lawyers, psychologists, women and youth development groups, government officials, donor agencies, distinguished theologians, scholars and academics, ecumenism, members of peace and reconciliation groups and prospective individuals. All applicants are to be eighteen 18 years or above and should be in possession of their traveling passports.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding and we deeply honor your interest to join hands with us to make the world a better place and we hope to see you at the conference venues.


Best regard

Prof. Jack Walker

Central Field Conference Center, 501 N Harbor Blvd
Anaheim, California 20120 U.S.A
Tel. +1 206 203 0336 & Fax. +1 516 303 0133

Dear Colleague,

You are cordially invited to participate at the International Global Conference on Human Trafficking of Children, Child abuse and Neglect holding from 18TH - 21ST of JUNE 2014 in the United States of America and from 24TH- 27TH of JUNE 2014 in Dakar,Senegal. Registration is now open !

For registration and further information's you are to contact our Secretariat Email: (

The conference is been organized by the Concern Human Rights Foundation (CHRF) bring together Members of ngos, health practitioners, professionals in relevant fields, lawyers, psychologists, women and youth development groups, government officials, donor agencies, distinguished theologians, scholars and academics, ecumenism, members of peace and reconciliation groups and prospective individuals to discuss these topic's that affect our societies greatly.

All applicants must be 18 years or above and should be in possession of their traveling passports.Do inform the Secretariat that Erica Brown a Human right activist and staff member of the Concern Human Rights Foundation recommended you.

Our Organizing Committee and donor sponsor's will take full responsibility of all registered participants United State visa arrangements, that will includes your Round trip air tickets to both events, feeding and transportation. While delegates will only be responsible for his/her own hotel accommodation in Dakar were the second phase of the event will take place.

If you need any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me via E-mail: OR Tel:+1-206-203-0336 during Office time.

Best regard,

Erica Brown
Child Right Activist & Female Lawyer
Staff member of ( Concern Human Rights Foundation )
Office Tel:+1-206-203-0336


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Any amount is appreciated!

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An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.