Fraudulent message
From: Alina Kamindi -
Sent: March 2014
Subject: 2014 (WHRO) Conference Invitation.
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of the Washington Human Right Organization (WHRO) we are delighted to invite you to the United State and Senegal for the Joint International Convention on Violence against Children, Child Labor, Sex Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation of Children and Human Trafficking holding from 16th to 19th April 2014 in the United States and from 22nd to 27th April in Senegal.
This Conference will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators from around the world who are engaged in Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
For registration and more information you are to contact us via Email:
Please share the information with your colleagues.
Best regard,
Alina Kamindi
Assistant Field Operations Manager
WHRO 2014