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Date sent: Sat, 15 Sep 2012
Subject: 2012 (WCSEHTFL) Conference Invitation on World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour !!!
From: Aletea Elvio
Dear Friend and Colleague,
It is my pleasure to invite you to World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and forced labor (WCSEHTFL) 2012. taking place from take place from 16th to 18th October in New York and from 20th to 25th October 2012 in Madrid Spain.
The theme of this conference is: New Dimensions of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Combating Human and Sex Trafficking Worldwide. This topic not only invites us to reflect upon the basic and classical criminological ideas from a contemporary perspective, but also proposes to discuss their current transformation, modification, and new developments.
Successful registered participants are entitled to meals and accommodation which will be provided during their stay in the U.S.A only. Participant Air Tickets for both venues will be sponsored by our organization and donors. Also note that the total number of participants will be limited, and registrations will be dealt On the basis of first come, first served. Registration is still open.
Note: If you are a holder of an international passport that may require visa to enter the United States Or Spain, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance.
If you are interested in attending contact the conference Secretariat via For more information via e-mail:
Aletea Elvio