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Subject: United Nations Sustainable Development Conference 9-12 April, 2018 London UK
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The scientific working committee of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, proudly invite you to the 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability. Theme: "Forging Solidarity—Collective Sustainability Solutions in a Fragmenting World"
Date: 9-12 April, 2018
Venue: Queen Elizabeth II International Conference Centre (QEIICC) London, United Kingdom.
Conference Theme: "Forging Solidarity—Collective Sustainability Solutions in a Fragmenting World"
Based on the critical challenge of human, environmental and economic sustainability This conference is aimed to provide a multidisciplinary space, spanning the various fields and perspectives through which we can address the fundamental and related questions of sustainability. The 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability is intended to be a forum for discussion and networking place for Economists, Environmentalists, Researchers, Non-governmental organizations, Community based organizations and practitioners from any professional discipline who share interest in—and concern for—Sustainable Development.
Registration to this conference is free and strictly on invitation. Your invitation reference number is UN-SD/259/LND/18. Always quote this invitation number in all correspondence with our secretariat.
Participant can be representative of an organization or an individual participant. Organizations can register only Two (2) persons. Participants must be above Thirty (30) years of age both male and female.
The 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability is sponsored by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. The conference sponsorship covers only the following:-
a. Free flight tickets from participants country of departure to London and back to participants country of destination
b. Free transport from airport to hotel and hotel to airport, hotel to conference venue and conference venue to hotel
c. Free medical insurance cover throughout the duration of the conference
d. Free tour to attractive sites within and outside the host city (London)
NOTE: United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development will not assume responsibility of any other sponsorship than those listed above.
Accommodation and feeding for the four (4) days duration of this event is the sole responsibility of participating individuals and organizations. For participants obtain visa authorization letter from United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, participants must be holders of their country's valid International passport with not less than Six (6) months valid.
To register for this event, kindly write an application letter and quote your invitation reference number to obtain the conference registration form. Further inquiry about conference registration, accommodation, flight ticket and travel visa should be addressed to the (secretary conference scientific working committee) via e-mail: or call telephone: +44.703.190.1063
Let's meet in London to assert a new change for a stronger society.
Mr. Amir Dossal,
(For: Communication and Public Affairs)
United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017,