Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: International Congress on avoiding violence and abuse, AVACW, drkeenn, Keen Tessy Colney

Fraudulent message

From: "dr mrs keen"
Date: 21 Aug 2017
Subject: AVACW PROGRAM 2017

Dear colleague

The International Congress on avoiding violence and abuse and State of Arizona Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPC) Faculty of Human Sciences, (FHS) Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) State of Arizona Safety Media (ASM) BBN Congress Management (BBN CM) are delighted to invite you to the United State and Benin for the Joint World Conference on centre for research & education on avoiding violence and abuse against children and society women from September 21st to 25th In the united States and from September 28th to 30th in Benin.

The AVACW Conference is organized with the support of:
-united states ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
-Africa Ministry of Internal Affairs Benin porto novo(MI)
united states Ministry of Justice and Public Administration

The conference is part of UN Decade of Action for human Safety 2011-2020. This Conference will bring together practitioners, centre for research & education from around the world who are engaged in Child Right, Child Health and Social Development

Note that the AVACW Organizing Committee and Our donor sponsors will take the full responsibility of all registered participants Visa processing for the United States & Porto Novo-Benin respectively. That will include your Round trip air tickets to both events, The global congress is co-hosted by the Campaign against Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Hillary J. Clinton Foundation and other benevolent donors worldwide, The Workshop welcomes paper presentation from any interested participants willing to present papers during the meeting.


x Prof. Krsto Lipovac, PhD, ACPC and FTTE, President
x Prof. Milan Vujanic, PhD, FTTE
x Prof. Milan Inic, PhD, FTS
x Prof. Azeez walid PhD, Egypt
x Prof. willa Antov, PhD, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
x Prof. Ulf Björnstig, PhD, Umeå University, Sweden
x Prof. Jürgen Gerlach, PhD, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
x Alan Ross, PhD, University of south africa, South Africa
x Prof. Davor Brcic, PhD, University of Zagreb, Croatia
x Prof. Osman Lindov, PhD, Faculty for Traffic and Communication, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
x Prof. Vujadin Vesovic, PhD, Faculty of Management in health and svience Berane, Montenegro
x Boris Antic, PhD, FTTE

The tradition was established 19 years ago and since the very first meeting dating back to 1998 up to the last one in 2015 more than 400 participants
have attended the conference. Delegates from all over the world mainly from Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Africa and Japan have formed the
integral part of the conference. The EU countries will not be mentioned as they predominate among visitors. I believe that your participation will contribute to a high level of the AVACW conference

Interested delegate should forward this invitation details to the committee Secretary for full participation and guidelines
{ }.

We look forward to welcome you all as part of (AVACW 2017)

Dr, Ms. Keen Tessy Colney
Assistant Field Operations Manager
Address:73rd Street Mount vernon, Arizona, AZ 10021, USA


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

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