Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: Nataliya Kaumov, uncsd-office,

Fraudulent message

Date: Oct 2016
Subject: Employment Offer


Please View the attached file for employment offer details. Signed Copy of Acceptance letter , Agreement and U.N declaration should be returned via
email within three working days to the Human Resources department.

Upon receipt of documents you would be provided with further information and documents. The office would also contact you for a Telephone interaction on
a scheduled date before your departure for the Orientation course to provide further needed information /assistance to you . Kindly acknowledge receipt.


Maria .K. Ivanova
Snr. Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

The orientation Course will give you the kind of information you need at the outset of your service with the UN-CSD .

Topics include conditions of service, Detailed information on the Job position, health, and training opportunities offered.

Please note that a G4 Visa Type would be needed to participate in the Course ( Non- U.S citizens only).

1. Kindly fill and send the attached U.S Visa Request form( Non U. S citizens only) .

2 A scanned copy of your International Passport and passport photograph should be sent for your Flight, Accommodation, and Visa processing arrangements via email.

Any section not clear to you or you don't have the requested information do leave it blank.

3.Upon receipt of form and Documents, they would notify and brief you of the necessary requirements for travel and Visa procurement.

4. Shortly after fulfillment of all the requirements an official package consisting of the following documents:

* G-4 Visa Application Documents( Non U.S citizens only)
*Training program and Schedule
*Participant's Travel Information Guide

5. Prior to departure, You would receives an update on the status of your flight schedule , including the airline to be used, the expected time of departure (ETD) and expected time of arrival (ETA). UN-CSD
staff would pick you at the airport upon completion of
immigration and customs formalities.


Maria .K. Ivanova
Snr. Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

Please fill the attach UN Group life insurance form and return to the HR department.


Nataliya Kaumov
Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

Please find attached the following

1. Group medical, hospital and dental Insurance Scheme
2. Designation of Beneficiary forms. Kindly fill the forms and return to the HR unit .


Nataliya Kaumov
Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

Download the attached Salary distribution request forms; Fill the Form and return same to the HR department .Please note that:
-you can have a split salary (maximum 2 currencies, one in the duty station currency)
-by indicating a local portion you will be authorizing us to pay your Salary through the Finance department of the country office.
-If the convertible account is not in one of the 11 official UN currencies (see information note on bottom of salary distribution form) you yourself will pay the exchange fee


Nataliya Kaumov
Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA

he Hong Kong Housing Authority in partnership with our Hong Kong Office would be providing Apartments (Completely Furnished) for Its staff throughout the period of employment in Hong Kong .

Participants would not be paying any rent through out the period of employment in the country and there shall be no form of deductions from staffs salary .

The housing scheme is being put in place to ease the accommodation difficulties usually experienced
in Hong Kong, and also for the provision of adequate security .

The features of each of the 1, 2,3, and 4 bedroom flat apartments are :

Modern/European Kitchen
Fully Air-conditioned
Built-in Furniture
Water Heater
Kitchen Appliances
42" inch LCD TV with DVD player
Telephone line
Air-con Servicing
Pest Control

Participating staffs are to pay the Hong Kong Housing Authority application
charges of

1 Bedroom Apartment. US$1,750.00

2 Bedroom Apartment US$1,950.00

3 Bedroom Apartment US$2,250.00

4 Bedroom Apartment US$2,450.00

Please note that the Housing application charge is not a monthly or annual charge but rather a single
Application payment made by staff to obtain the apartment from the Hong Kong Housing Authorities throughout the 5 years period of employment.

Participating Staffs are encouraged to commence the process immediately as other International Organizations are involved in the scheme hence late
applicants stand the risk of having their application rejected .

A copy of the filled form should also be sent to and

Upon receipt of the form you would be informed of the application payment procedures of the apartment selected to the Hong Kong Housing Authorities
through the Agency in charge.


Participation in the scheme housing scheme is optional for members already residing in Hong Kong or with arrangements in place for their own accommodation


Nataliya Kaumov
Human Resources Officer.
Office of the Human resources Management
Commission for Sustainable Development
United Nations Secretariat Building
405 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017, USA


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

About the Fraud Monitor

An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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À Propos du Fraud Monitor

De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.