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Date sent: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 00:56:47 +0100 (CET)
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Subject: 7th World Congress, on child labour and Child exploitation
We cordially invite you to participate in the 7th World Congress, on child labour and Child exploitation. We are concerned about the position of children in countries where economic boom conditions has created an enormous demand for labour and particularly cheap labour, which children can provide. These and many other issues will be addressed in this forth coming conference. Children are the fuel of life, without them there is no future.
The 7th World Congress, on child labour and Child exploitation is been organized by the World Youth organization for human Welfare (WYOHW) supported by United Nation (UN) in collaboration with other NGO’s and our benevolent donors. The event takes place in New York, U.S.A, and in Cotonou-BENIN.
The second part of the conference in BENIN was fixed because Cotonou has been the base, where traffickers, traffic children and mostly young girls into Europe, where about 5 to 6 thousand victims were rescued between January to October 2009.
If you are interested to participate and represent your country, you may contact the secretariat for more details and information. Below is the email of the conference secretariat, I will also contact them on your behalf to ensure that you are accepted to participate in the conference: Email: info.
You may get me back with the via email address below Children are our future. Their future is in your hands.
Hope to meet you at the conference venue.
Mrs Sidney Cole
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Our mailing address is:
World Youth organization for human Welfare (WYOHW)
11 Street Fort Walton beach
Cotonou 11958