Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: Invitation: UN Conference on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development

Fraudulent message

Date sent: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:36:54 +0100
Subject: Invitation: UN Conference on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development 22-25 November 2011.
Immediate Release 14th October, 2011.
United Nations Conference on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development 22-25 November 2011, @
The International Conference Center London, United Kingdom).
Dear Summit Invitee,
The organizing and scientific working committee of the United Nations, invites you to a Four-day summit of Economists, Educationists, Administrators, Manufacturers, finance experts, Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations and Religious Leaders from 22 - 25 November 2011 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic down turn since the Great Depression.
The conference aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world. The United Nations summit coming up in November was mandated at the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development, held in June in New-York, United States. Member States requested the General Assembly to organize the meeting “at the highest level”.
Registration to this Summit is "free" and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee to this summit, you have received a registration code UN/GFEC-716/2011 with this invitation letter, always quote your registration code in all correspondence. The UN General Assembly will sponsor cost of all-round return flight ticket for all participant free. Invited participants will only take responsibility for their hotel accommodation cost at Comfort Inn London.
The International Conference Center London, is the conference venue while Comfort Inn is the official designated hotel that will accommodate all participant for this unique and prestigious summit. Participants are expected to make contribution on the following issues during the plenary session of this summit:
# Global Repercussions of the Financial and Economic Crisis
# Fundamental Defects of the Free Market System
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing Countries
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Millennium Development Goals MDG's
# Government and/or Private Sector Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis
To register for the UN summit on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis, further details about registration form,visa,flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter and send directly to the summit coordinator Mr Andrey Vasilyev immediately via e-mail: or tel: +44-70-2402-4687.
Register Now!
Ms.Elizabeth Thompson, [Organizing Secretary] UN Global Financial and Economic Crisis Summit Organizing and Scientific Working Committee
Copyright ©2011 United Nations. All rights reserved.


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