Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: Hamsted Hotel Dakar, Heather Wilson, international conference

Fraudulent message

Dear Participants,

The forth coming international Conference is designed to achieve a certain purpose such like (Eliminate violence among our youths,educate minds and eradicate terrorism within our societies and the important of national economic integration).I wish to inform you that your request of application has been accepted by the Global Organization to attend this meeting.

The Conference is scheduled to take place at the TKP New York Conference Center,United States from 4th - 8th July 2016.And the second conference will be on the issue of [problems in Africa.Including Sexual violence against women's & HIV/AIDS Treatment and the children being affected by war] will be held at the Hamsted Hotel Hall in Dakar, Senegal from 11th - 16th July 2016.

The aim of this Conferences is to impart on our youths the need to avoid Street Life,Violence and Gangsters, which is on the increase today among the Youths.The importance of education in every human life, Bad Leadership and its effect in the society sponsored by WORLD AFFAIRS Relief in United States in memory of those who lost their lives in the World trade center bombing of the September 11th in New York and Washington DC.

Every one is entitled to Participate in the coming international Conferences regardless of your religious believe, you can attend alone or minimum of Five ( 5 ) is expected to participate together as a group from one Country and none of them will be less than eighteen years of age. You are advised to participate in both Conferences.It does not necessary means that you must belong to an organization before you can attend this event.A group of persons with a minimum educational background could be invited to represent their countries,any group or participants are allowed to come with their own agenda or suggestions during the event.You are advised to follow the instruction immediately you receive this letter.

You are to forward your name and passport number if you don't have any group or the names and passport numbers of your group to us as soon as possible as all participants who required an entry visas to United States of America and Senegal request will be forwarded to the U.S Bureau of Immigrantion and naturalisation for their Visa process.we shall sent an official invitation letter & visa approval to the U.S and Senegal Embassy in your home country or country of residence to notify them about your participation.

The independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets from the participants home country or country of residence to U.S and from U.S to Dakar Senegal and back to the participant home country or country of residence,accommodation and feeding throughout their stay for the conference in the United States.You are only responsible for your hotel accommodation in Dakar Senegal,where the second conference is scheduled to take place.

Note: The organization have chosen One hotel in Dakar Senegal for all the participants to pay in for their reservations, we have discussed with the hotel management to give all our participants an official rate and the participant will pay for their hotel accommodation.
The rate for all the participant will be attached to their book,their official rate which includes three square meal and the Standby Car to take them to the conference venue and also bring them back to the hotel at the end of each day, Let us know your opinion on the above indicating your interest to participate in the coming international Conferences.We will like you to send us the following information.

Your Name/s:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Passport Numbers:
Country Cod Number:
Country of Origin:
Country of Residence:
Phone contact:
Personal e-mail:
Hotel confirmation receipt:

We will open your participation file as soon as we receive your name/s and You will receive the conference registration Participation forms.Your Hotel reservation confirmation receipt will only prove to us that you must attend the Africa stage after the US Conference.We remind you to forward your informations immediately for the processing of your documents.You should endeavour to contact the management of the hotel below in Dakar, Senegal via E-mail.

Hamsted Hotel Dakar.
BP 6454,3 Place de l'Indépendance
Marshall, Dakar Senegal.
Tel: (+221) 706-881-789
Fax: (+221) 336-541-520

Point to note:when you make your reservation in the above hotel,you should ask for confirmation receipt for your booking as you will need it to send the confirmation receipt to the organizers in the U.S for the processing of your documents.

Yours Sincerely,
Mandam Heather Wilson,
Secretary General.
Global Organizations.
109 East 12th Street, New York.
Tel: +1 20-342-338-18
Fax: +1 24-207-315-29


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An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.