International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

World Saviors

Delhi India U x XN5553

World Scout Environment Network

1991 U dp XF2873

World Scout Interreligious Forum

U dy XK2357

World Security Institute

WSI 2000 U dj XM2283

World Security Organization

WSO 1994 Varna Bulgaria U x XF3900

World Security Trust

U s XU6488

World Seerat Foundation

U fs XU7583

World Sekai-no Kempo Union

WSKU U x XJ4105

World SF

WSF 1976 Paris France U x XF1345

World Shelter Organization

Bangalore India U x XF1102

World Shorinji Kempo Organization

U x XN8189

World Sidesaddle Federation

WFSI 1980 U d XN6683

World Smart Capital Initiative

WSC U d XJ7953

World Socialist Party of the United States

WSPUS 1916 Boston MA USA U x XN1842

World Society - The Bible and the World of the Slavs

U x XU6942

World Society for Consultation

U x XJ4338

World Society of Nuclear Medicine

Seoul Korea Rep U x XG4965

World Society, Shanghai

1932 U d XU7074

World Sociological Association

Prague Czechia U x XG0381

World Solar Academy

WSA U d XG7496

World Solar Commission

1995 Paris France U gx XF3612

World Solidarity for Life

Brussels Belgium U x XN4099

World Sombo Centre

1985 U x XG0946

World Space Organization

WSO 1984 Nottingham UK U x XG1072

World Spanish Congress

1980 Leonia NJ USA U x XN0917
