International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Street Child Africa

1998 U d XG9920

Street Kids International

SKI 1987 U d XF1532

Streetsmart International

Streetsmart Brussels Belgium U x XN9681

Streetwise International

1987 Cambridge UK U x XN3582

Stroke Clubs International

SCI 1968 U d XN4017

Strong Bow

Sandvika Norway U x XG2409

Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network

SAPRIN 1997 Washington DC USA U x XF4235

Student Air Travel Association

SATA 1968 Amsterdam Netherlands U d XF3946

Student Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States

U d XE2121

Student Council of Universities and Associations

Moscow Russia U x XN5704

Student Forum of the EC

SFEC 1989 U d XF2408

Student International Union

U s XU8323

Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry

1964 New York NY USA U x XN7222

Student's International Meditation Society - International Meditation Society

SIMS-IMS 1965 U d XF4666

Students' League of Nations

SLN 1953 Geneva Switzerland U x XG4573

Studiecentrum van de Geschiedenis van het Racisme en Fascisme, Gent

Ghent Belgium U x XN5275

Studiecentrum voor Europese en Aziatische Ceramiek, Gent

SEAC Melle Belgium U x XN5236

Study and Action Group for Development Cooperation

1969 U d XG6562

Study Centre for Problems of the Contemporary Muslim World, Brussels

1958 Brussels Belgium U x XN1038

Study Group on Environmental Education in Europe

SGEEE 1994 Bradford UK U d XG3571

Study WYSE

2011 Amsterdam Netherlands U d XJ9853

Study- and Consultancy Firm for International Cooperation

U x XG3528

Stupéfiants Europe Plan d'action à terme

SEPAT 1970 U dg XJ7319

Styringsgruppen for Nordisk Børne- og Ungdomskultur

BUK 1995 U d XE3714

Styringsgruppen for Nordisk Kultur- og Massemediesamarbejde

KM 1990 U dg XE1546
