Catherine Decuyper, Founder and President of Euromedicom For your upcoming 12th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) you choose the theme “Be Ready for the Future”. Why is that? The overall concept “Be Ready for the Future” for this year's congress has been selected as scientific direction to guide the construction of different congress sessions. An emphasis has been put on the importance of keeping up with recent knowledge and technology and worldwide practice. Several exclusive sessions will provide the information to prepare the participants to meet the challenges of the changing world where advances in research and development are growing rapidly. Certain professionals may choose with suspicion not to be “the first”, but, by keeping in mind the current circumstance, they should also consider not being “the last” to adopt new technologies and integrate them into their practice. How important is Anti-Aging Medicine for the future of our society? We are not talking here about the economic impact of aging population on the society but will discuss rather the need or perception of people who seek healthy life and medical practice which has been constantly changing over the past 15 years. An increased aging population can be constantly observed in most countries, either developed or developing ones, in parallel to a growing public interest in aging management both for well-being and improved appearance. Anti-aging medicine can be perceived as a means to promote healthy aging in patients and provide them with a sense of well-being in both physical and mental aspects. Healthcare professionals have been seen to evolve accordingly by integrating more or less anti-aging strategies in their practice. What are the main challenges for Anti-Aging Medicine these days? Anti-aging medicine may seem at first to be an armamentarium that can be easily integrated in all medical disciplines. We can also observe more health professionals getting involved more or less into this field. Technological and medical science are progressing rapidly. Research & development transfer to practice is also at fast pace. Bombarded with information of today's technologies and marketing approaches, physicians are facing the main challenges that they must be able to distinguish and choose the strategies of highest evidence-based level and scientifically proven and to provide their patients with safe and efficient treatment. It is therefore important for today's medical professionals to keep abreast of technological, scientific and clinical advances before carefully transferring this learned knowledge into practice. The importance of continuing education will then play an important role here as sources for physicians to catch up with new information and updates. And how important is the World Congress in overcoming those challenges? The AMWC was launched in 2003 with our strong belief that effective aging prevention and treatment must be comprehensively addressed integrating two aspects: using aesthetics strategy (dermatology and surgery) for the external appearance, and applying anti-aging medicine for internal well-being. Becoming our unique hallmark, this approach is now in the limelight. Within 10 years, the AMWC has witnessed great success and became the largest world congress with over 7,000 health professional participants and positioned as the leader in this subject area. This success not only confirms that we are moving in the right direction but also paves the way for others in similar steps. Under the scientific supervision of the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine (WOSIAM), the AMWC 2014 will mark its 12th anniversary by offering a comprehensive program content developed by the reputed scientific committee. With an attempt to continually excel in this exciting and evolving medicine of the future, recent findings with clinical implications, new understandings, innovations and emerging related technologies are covered without forgetting the sessions on indispensable basic knowledge revision and update. Practical tips and techniques will be zoomed in during demonstrations and workshops. Selected acclaimed and enthusiastic speakers are very keen to present research results and clinical subjects meeting the highest standards by virtue of their expertise. The participants can be confident of the information provided and learned ranging from basic updates to advanced technology. For those delegates who cannot come to Monaco, will you live stream any session, for example the live demonstrations? We have been thinking of this option, of course. We received a lot of requests from medical doctors in different countries all around the world. With a didactic aim in mind, this kind of live stream may be envisaged in a near future. However, we need to be selective because all scientific sessions are of high quality and all are in high demand. This makes it difficult for us to choose the one(s) for live stream. Why did you choose Monaco as destination for your Congress? The Principality of Monaco offers a lot of benefits. It is located on the French Riviera, about 20 minutes from Nice. Its exceptional location allows it to enjoy 310 days of sunshine per year. The average temperature in April is 19- 21°C and the weather is often sunny. Monaco’s exceptional location, between mountain and sea, its gardens, its entertainment, its athletic and cultural events are all qualities which make it an unforgettable destination. The Convention Bureau is one of the most helpful we met. It offers a lot of valuable services (free shuttle service, free advertisements in the city, welcome cocktail, etc.). Monaco is a one stop shop destination: The Convention Bureau offers coordination, support and expertise to all conference organizers. It could answer a RFP within 24 hours in contacting the conference centre and main hotels of the Principality. Together with all partners, the Monaco Convention Bureau extends special offer or value added, such as welcome cocktail to all participants of the conference, discounted rates in hotels and exhibition centre. The SBM (Société des Bains de Mer), owner of several luxury hotels, offers to help the organizer in booking rooms in the Principality. Everything is done to facilitate the organizer's work. The convention center, the Grimaldi Forum, close to all the hotels, is ideally located by the seaside. All the services provided by the Grimaldi Forum are outstanding in terms of quality. Its team is always concerned by the success of the event. The World Society of Interdisciplinary of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSIAM) has quickly become the World's fastest growing Anti-Aging Medicine Society, to federate international physicians and scientific societies. Under the scientific supervision of WOSIAM and under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the 12th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) takes place in Monte-Carlo, from 3 to 5 April 2014. The AMWC is organized by Euromedicom, a company dedicated to promoting medical sciences of the future, and more particularly those related to Aging and Aesthetics. w w w. euromedicom. com/amwc-2014, w w w. wosiam. org | ||||||