International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Southwest Indian Ocean Association

U gx XU1939

Souvenir napoléonien

1937 Paris France U vx XN5074

Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Ecumenical

U ds XF4194

Soviet Association of International Law

Moscow Russia U x XN2582

Soviet Committee for European Security and Cooperation

1971 U d XU1726

Soviet Jewry Research Bureau

U x XN5994

Soviet Peace Committee

U d XG1101

Sowers Ministry

TSM 1986 Fanling Hong Kong U x XN9506

Soziale Hilfsorganisation Najdeh

Bonn Germany U x XN6225

Space Agency Forum

SAF 1992 Delft Netherlands U x XF2526

Space Applications Institute

Ispra SAI 1988 U dgj XK0296

Space Philatelists International Society

SPIS 1979 West Nyack NY USA U x XN1064

Space Physics Analysis Network

SPAN 1981 Washington DC USA U x XF0654

Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility

ST-ECF 1984 U d XF0427

Spalding Trust

1923 Stowmarket UK U fx XN1114

Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe

1966 U ds XE7826

Spanish Group for European Studies

Madrid Spain U x XG2729

Spanish Institute

1954 New York NY USA U jx XN1538

Spanish-American and Philippine Academy of Postal History

1930 U x XN1602

Spanish-American Postal Union

U d XU9728

Spanish-Barb Breeders Association International

1972 Anthony FL USA U x XN5756

Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American Institute Society

1951 U x XN1604

Sparks International Official Fan Club

1973 Los Angeles CA USA U vx XN2545

Spartan International

1966 U d XU4886

Spatially-Oriented Referencing Systems Association

SORSA 1974 U d XF2093
