International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Southern African Sexual Harassment Network

U px XJ8458

Southern African Society of Legal Historians

1983 Pretoria South Africa U x XG3032

Southern African Society of Systematic Biology

1999 Rondebosch South Africa U x XN9098

Southern African Team for Employment Promotion

SATEP U dg XF0887

Southern African Union for Progressive Judaism

SAUPJ Johannesburg South Africa U n XG2640

Southern African Universities Social Science Conference

SAUSSC 1978 U cd XF2176

Southern African Wildlife Management Association

SAWMA 1970 Bellville South Africa U vx XN5470

Southern and East African Network on Underutilized Crops

SEANUC 1995 U d XK2241

Southern and Eastern Africa Rainwater Network

SearNet 2003 U d XM0980

Southern Building Code Congress International

SBCCI 1940 U d XN0278

Southern Centre for Energy and the Environment

SCEE Harare Zimbabwe U x XG9249

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Atlanta GA USA U x XN1118

Southern Cross Bioethics Institute

1983 U dj XG3043

Southern Cross Group

SCG 2000 U d XN9824

Southern Cross International

SCI U s XU6307

Southern Educational Research Initiative

SERI 1994 U x XJ3162

Southern Pacific International Fan Club

SPIFC 1986 U x XN3890

Southern Philippines Center for Peace Studies

Lligan City Philippines U x XG8527

Southern Railroad Company / East Europe/

U de XU0258

Southern Refugee Legal Aid Network

SRLAN 2007 U dy XM6951

Southpaw's International

SI 1967 U d XG5491

Southwest Asia Institute, Yunnan

1964 Yunnan China U jx XN6891

Southwest Center for International Business, Houston TX

Houston TX USA U x XN6468

Southwest Indian Ocean Association

U gx XU1939

Souvenir napoléonien

1937 Paris France U vx XN5074
