International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists

SAIMS 1987 Auckland Park South Africa U jx XN5902

Southern Africa Network

1977 U x XN5676

Southern Africa Regional Institute for Policy Studies

SARIPS 1987 Harare Zimbabwe U jx XE3324

Southern Africa Regional Telecommunications Restructuring Programme

RTR U dg XK1372

Southern Africa Report Association

Excom South Africa U x XN6636

Southern Africa Research Group

SARG Eden Glen South Africa U x XN5918

Southern Africa Research Service

SARS U x XN6635

Southern Africa Resource Centre, Bristol

Bristol UK U x XG2169

Southern Africa Resource Centre, Toronto

SARC Toronto ON Canada U x XN6491

Southern Africa Taverners Association

SATA Johannesburg South Africa U x XN7060

Southern Africa Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy

U x XJ1290

Southern Africa Vetiver Network

SAVN Scottsville South Africa U x XG9884

Southern African Aerospace Council

SAAC 1993 U x XG3363

Southern African Anglican Theological Commission

SAATC 1976 George South Africa U XE2045

Southern African Association for Progressive Rabbis

U d XG3732

Southern African Association of Archaeologists

Pietermaritzburg South Africa U x XN0803

Southern African Association of Independent Schools

SAAIS U d XF2511

Southern African Aviation Safety Council

SAASCo Kempton Park South Africa U x XG3361

Southern African Black Taxi Association

SABTA U x XJ4462

Southern African Book Development Education Trust

SABDET 1993 U d XG9328

Southern African Cardiac Society

Sloane Park South Africa U x XN6640

Southern African Catholic Development Association

U x XG5311

Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training

SACCAR 1984 U dg XE1369

Southern African Churches Ministry with Uprooted People

SACMUP Mutare Zimbabwe U x XF4889

Southern African Committee of Agricultural Organizations

U x XJ4404
