International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Southeast Asian Regional Peacekeeping Centre

U gpx XJ2884

Southeast Asian Research Review and Advisory Group

SEARRAG Kuala Lumpur Malaysia U x XG0876

Southeast Asian Science-Policy Advisory Network in Global Environmental Change

SEA-SPAN Global Change Network 1996 Chiang Mai Thailand U vx XF4278

Southeast Asian Seismic Network

U d XF1118

Southeast Asian Sustainable Agriculture Network

SEASAN 1988 Jakarta Indonesia U x XF5321

Southeast Asian Vegetable Research Network

AVNET U d XK1853

Southeast Asian Weed Information Centre

SEAWIC 1985 U d XE1911

Southeast European Infection Control Consortium

SEEICC Zagreb Croatia U x XM2234

Southeast European Network

Athens Greece U x XG6530

Southeast European Network for Computer-Assisted Reporting


Southeast European Network for Investigative Reporting


Southeast Women's Employment Coalition

U s XU2787

Southern Africa Advanced Education Project

1986 U d XG3234

Southern Africa Air Transport Council

SAATC U d XU1049

Southern Africa Alliance of Reformed Churches

SAARC 1989 U dy XE1886

Southern Africa Association for Drama and Youth Theatre

Pietermaritzburg South Africa U x XN6804

Southern Africa Business Forum

SABF 1995 U d XD1076

Southern Africa Committee

New York NY USA U x XN2677

Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference Book Publishers Association

U d XE2670

Southern Africa Development Fund

U dfp XJ1696

Southern Africa Economic Research Unit

ELTSA 1972 U x XN7979

Southern Africa Education Trust Fund

U fx XN6564

Southern Africa Enterprise Network

SAEN 1998 U d XF4842

Southern Africa Human Capacity Development Coalition

SA-HCD U d XM3495

Southern Africa Human Rights NGO Network

SAHRINGON 1997 Lusaka Zambia U x XF4315
