International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Southeast Asia Association of Rural Government Banks

U x XJ7044

Southeast Asia Association of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering

SEASEE 1979 U d XE0267

Southeast Asia Center

SEAC 1979 Chicago IL USA U x XN3267

Southeast Asia Centre for Environment and Development

SEACED Colombo Sri Lanka U x XG1207

Southeast Asia Consortium

SEACON U xy XF2164

Southeast Asia Council Association for Asian Studies

Madison WI USA U x XG1568

Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group


Southeast Asia Information Network

SAIN Bangkok Thailand U x XN6565

Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute

SAIDI 1975 Manila Philippines U jx XG7303

Southeast Asia Press Centre

1967 U s XF4719

Southeast Asia Regional Network of Geosciences

U d XF1265

Southeast Asia Rivers Network

SEARIN 1999 Chiang Mai Thailand U x XF6781

Southeast Asia Tin Research and Development Centre

SEATRADC 1977 U dg XE9628

Southeast Asia University

SAU Bangkok Thailand U x XN9726

Southeast Asia Watch

SEA WATCH Quezon City Philippines U x XJ3414

Southeast Asian Centre for Applied Malacology

U d XE1516

Southeast Asian Fisheries Information System

SEAFIS 1982 U dg XD1933

Southeast Asian Forum on Agricultural Research


Southeast Asian Major Superiors

SEAMS 1976 Manila Philippines U vx XF0799

Southeast Asian Mathematical Information Centre, Hong Kong

1992 U x XJ9854

Southeast Asian Medical Information Centre

SEAMIC 1972 Tokyo Japan U x XE3990

Southeast Asian Press Alliance

SEAPA 1998 Bangkok Thailand U d XF6132

Southeast Asian Programme in Ocean Law, Policy and Management

SEAPOL 1981 U x XQ0244

Southeast Asian Regional College - Computer and Internet Technology - of the World University, Dhaka

U dps XJ7171

Southeast Asian Regional Peacekeeping Centre

U gpx XJ2884
